Welcome to the New I Heart Ubuntu

And here we go! The NEW I Heart Ubuntu website takes a more modern magazine style look. Some of the new features include: an easy categories section at the top, an easy search feature at the top right, the 6 top featured articles right on the main part of your screen, and our popular posts are easy to find on the right side too. We now have a "Video of the Week" on the righthand side and our easy to see social icons at the bottom of the page. We have our RSS link easily available at the top and bottom of our site now. Commenting on articles is available via Disqus and Facebook. Our website also (finally) looks great and easy to use on mobile devices.

We will also begin covering other linux distros but will focus primarily on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Elementary OS.

We have a bit more work to do yet such as tagging & labeling 460+ articles correctly, building up our Facebook page (you can "like us" on the right side), as well as focusing on the key points you have all recommended based on our survey.

Thanks again for everyones input! Our three websites I Heart Ubuntu, Daily Ubuntu and Crypto Reporter combined have well over 4 million views. Stay tuned & lets make I Heart Ubuntu a destination once again!

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